I am Diana Juncher
Astronomer & game programmer by day
photographer & writer by night


Something about me..



I have a PhD in astronomy from the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

I work on modeling the cloudy atmospheres of ultra cool stars and (hot) exoplanets. I have also been involved in several exoplanet observation projects at the big telescopes in Chile and La Palma. I have even found my own exoplanet. :)


Public outreach


I love to talk about astronomy, especially exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life. I have previously been invited to give talks at different schools, Nordsjællands Astronomiforening, Tycho Brahe Planetarium, and Brorfelde Observatorium. Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions or would like to know more.


Artikel på Videnskab.dk, januar 2018: Sådan finder forskere nye planeter

Interview på P4 Sjælland, august 2017: Girl's Day in Science

Interview på Videnskab.dk, november 2011: Universets største byggesten holder sig fint på plads


I work as a game programmer at Copenhagen Game Lab. We make some pretty awesome learning games!


I have a lot of fun taking pictures of the night sky. Sometimes they even get published!

Astronomisk Guide 2012

ESO Picture of the Week 2014

ESO Calender 2015


You can find my gallery here: Shooting Stars


I am an aspiring sci-fi and fantasy writer.

In 2022 my short story "One hundred and fifty-seven" was published in Nature

In 2021 my short story "Wrong Number" was published in Nature.

In 2013 my short story "Den Tidsrejsende" was published in the collection Farvel, min astronaut.