Zoom, zoom, zoom

I have gotten my hands on a 28-200mm zoom lens from Tamron. I borrowed it from one of my new colleagues at the Niels Bohr Institute where I have just started as a PhD student.

This is the first time I have had access to such a long focal length and as chance would have it, the moon was full last night. Since I had no prior experience with such a bright object I did a whole lot of bracketing, varying the f-stop, ISO and shutter speed. The image on the left is among the best in the batch: 200mm focal length, f/32, ISO 100 and a shutter speed of 1/40 seconds. It is not very sharp, though. I think it is because there was a thin cover of clouds.

I then took a series of photos of the stars Arcturus and Capella. They are both very bright and their scintilation due to atmospheric turbulence is therefore very clear. I took some long exposures while moving the camera around, thus capturing their varying brightness and colors. The photo below is of Capllea. It is a 10 second exposure at 200mm with f/5.6 and ISO 400.


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