New Year 2012

Happy New Year!

I had my first go at photographing fireworks last night. It turned out to be very fun and extremely rewarding – I think the photos look amazing! I have posted some of my favourite shots below.

Photographing fireworks is similar to astrophotography: you need a tripod and a remote timer as you want to take relatively long exposures that are timed with the exploding lights. Even though the fireworks were much closer than what I usually photograph on the sky, setting the focus at infinity seemed to work just fine. Since the light from the fireworks were so bright, I quickly learned to turn down the ISO to a mere 100 and to use an aperture of f/8. I pointed the camera in a hopefully fruitful direction, and with the remote timer in the hand I then waited for the sound of a rocket going up. That was my signal to push the button and start the exposure. As soon as the last light died out I released again, giving an exposure time of 1-3 seconds.

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