The Perseid Meteor Shower 2012

This weekend the meteor shower known as the Perseids peaked. I was out two nights in a row and took about 300 photos. The conditions were not that good, it was cloudy and the air was so humid that my lens kept fogging up. I have to buy some sort of dew heater. Anyway, guess how many meteors I caught? Two! Both of them pretty faint, and one of them even partially hidden behind a cloud. *sigh*

I used my standard 18-55mm lens at 18mm. I took a series of 20 second exposures at f/3.5 and ISO 1600. Zooming in on the non-clouded meteor I discovered something cool: The first half of it is green. Apparently this is because the meteor contains magnesium, which shines in blue-green when ignited.

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