Starbirds flying in Cassiopeia formation.
I programmed my remote timer to take a 10s second exposure every 20 seconds. That gave me enough time to adjust the focus, and the camera to do noise reduction. I started with the focus dial turned all the way to the right (as far away from focus as possible), and then moved it a little bit left between each exposure. When I reached the far left I repeated the process going from left to right.
Date: March 9, 2011
Location: Bønnerup, Denmark
Camera: Canon 350D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 (at 43mm, f/5.6)
Exposure: Composite of 5 minutes (29 x 10 seconds at ISO 1600)
Processing: Stacked and processed in Photoshop CS6