Startrails and the Danish 1.54 meter Telescope

I am spending my nights here at La Silla in the Danish 1.54 meter telescope. A couple of nights ago I programmed my camera to take a bunch of photos of the telescope with the stars in the background. Each photo had an exposure time of 20 seconds, a focal length of 18mm, an ISO of 6400 and an f-number of f/3.5. After two and a half hours I had a full memory card and 298 photos. Here is one of them, the two puffy things are the Magellanc Clouds:

I used Nebulosity to stack the photos with no shifting so that the stars would make trails across the sky. Then I adjusted the curves and colors in Photoshop. I am still very new at this and I am not sure how far away from perfection I am, but I sure do like the result. :)

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