Author Archives: diana

Lesson Learned

I am spending a long weekend at my parents’ summer house in Bønnerup, Jutland. It is a small and fairly isolated town near the sea, so it is wonderfully dark at night. The summer house has a balcony that points

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Orion and Star Trails

Last night at 22:00 I packed my equipment and walked to a field near my parents’ house. It is big and dark and an excellent place for taking astrophotos. My new tripod was a dream to work with and I

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Clouded Moon

The Moon and Jupiter are currently crossing the skies together. I thought it might be an interesting challenge to try to get a sharp image of them. I have tried before without luck, the brightness of the Moon makes it

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My Debut

Last night was the first clear night in weeks. Although I have not bought a tripod yet, I could not miss the opportunity. I live in Copenhagen where there is so much light pollution that you can barely see any

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