Author Archives: diana

The Draconid Meteor Shower 2011

Tonight the Draconid meteor shower peaked, the meteors radiating from a point just next to the star Beta Draconis in the constellation Draco. It was stronger than normal, so I decided to defy the nearly full Moon and try to catch my first meteor.

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More Star Birds

I have spent about one hour this evening shooting the Cassiopeia constellation using the same techniques as last night.

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Star Birds

Tonight I had fun trying to reproduce this APOD.

Posted in Constellation | 1 Comment


Last night was the third clear night in a row. And, according to the Danish Meteorological Institute, the last one before I leave Bønnerup. In stead of just hanging around on the summer house balcony I packed my gear and

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Star Trails

I am still at my parents’ summer house in Bønnerup, Jutland. Last night was very beautiful and clear, and I spent more than four hours shooting star trails. Like the previous night I started by pointing my camera directly at

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