Author Archives: diana

Chromatic aberration

I have bought a new camera: a Canon 550D with the infrared filter removed. In my tests shots I discovered something new: Chromatic aberration!

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The Perseid Meteor Shower 2012

This weekend the meteor shower known as the Perseids peaked. I was out two nights in a row and took about 300 photos. The conditions were not that good, and I only caught two meteors.

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Hello Andromeda

The dark twilight-free nights have returned and I thought I would celebrate by trying to photograph the Andromeda Galaxy. I struggled for 3 hours but I managed to get some decent photos in the end.

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New Year 2012

I had my first go at photographing fireworks last night. It turned out to be very fun and extremely rewarding – I think the photos look amazing! I have posted some of my favourite shots below.

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First Polar Alignment

It has now been almost three months since I bought my motorized equatorial mount, so I guess it is about time I get to know it and its many controls a little better.

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