Author Archives: diana

The center of the Milky Way

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Startrails and the Danish 1.54 meter Telescope

A couple of nights ago I programmed my camera to take a bunch of photos of the Danish 1.54 meter telescope with the stars in the background. After two and a half hours I had a full memory card and 298 photos. I combined them all into a beautiful startrail picture.

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The Large Magellanic Cloud

The Magellanic Clouds are visble with the naked eye here at La Silla.Last night I zoomed in on the Large Magellanic Cloud and took a series of photos which I then stacked in Nebulosity.

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La Silla’s Moon

As a part of my PhD studies I am currently on a two-week observing mission at La Silla, Chile. The night sky here is simply amazing, and I have of course brought my camera and my tripod.

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Zoom, zoom, zoom

I have borrowed a 28-200mm zoom lens from one of my new colleagues. This is the first time I have had access to such a long focal length. I took a closer look at the full moon and played around with the twinkling of Arcturus and Capella.

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